24th July 2020

To our valued clients, staff and volunteers

We know this is an extraordinarily difficult time for us all as Covid-19 cases in both NSW and Victoria increase. The Board of Management and General Manager appreciate your cooperation in keeping everyone safe and virus free.

Neighbourcare remains focused on ensuring the safety, health and wellbeing of our clients, staff, volunteers and community members. We will remain ever vigilant in our infection control processes and will continue to follow direction from official sites to continue providing services in a safe manner.

The following measures will remain in place until further notice and we appreciate your assistance in ensuring that together we minimise the risks of Covid-19 transmission.

  • Any staff, volunteer, contractor, client with respiratory symptoms or who has been tested for Covid-19 but has not received a negative result must self-isolate and inform Neighbourcare.
  • Inform Neighbourcare through our screening process if you or your close contacts have been to Victoria or any of the hotspots in NSW.
  • Maintain physical distancing of 1.5m from other people. Where our staff cannot maintain social distancing they will wear a mask. This includes personal care and transport services
  • Practice hand hygiene and respiratory hygiene.

We are all in this together and it requires everyone to do their part and therefore your continued cooperation will assist in keeping the risks as low as possible for everyone.

Neighbourcare service will continue to operate in the same way as they have for the past several months. Our social support groups may recommence in the near future with smaller numbers but while the hotspots are developing in NSW these services will not run.

It is important to continue attending your medical appointments to maintain your health and wellbeing and should you require assistance to attend these appointment our community transport service are still available within and outside the Dungog Shire.

If you have any questions about these measures, concerns about the risks or would like to discuss alternate ways your services can be arranged, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please keep safe and stay well and remember Neighbourcare is your helping hand at home.

Kind Regards

President of the Board of Management & General Manager.